Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions we are most commonly asked
Q: Xtreme Mapping is not available on my AppStore. How can I get it?
A: the software is available in every Mac AppStore worldwide! The links we put on this website can sometimes bring you to the wrong AppStore, so to properly purchase the app just search for "Xtreme Mapping" in your AppStore application search box (in the top right corner).
Q: Is Xtreme Mapping compatible with my version of Traktor?
A: Yes, Xtreme Mapping 1.5.6 is compatible with the new commands introduced in Traktor up to version 3.2.0.
Q: How can I map my Kontrol X1/F1/S2/S4/Z1/Z2 using Xtreme Mapping?
A: Xtreme Mapping 1.5.6 supports HID devices. You can map your Native Instruments controllers as you do with a Generic MIDI one (note that the Learn feature is not available in HID mode).
Q: Is there a version of the app for Microsoft Windows?
A: there are no plans for a Windows version of the app but we'll let you know as soon as that's the case!
Contact Details
Business enquiries, Press reviews, Promo codes
E-mail: info@xtrememapping.com